August 09, 2021 Blog by Cassotis Consulting


AMPL (A Mathematical Programming Language) is a sophisticated algebraic modeling tool that represents optimization models with fast-developing large-scale applications and reliable results. The AMPL modeling system is used in hundreds of business operations around the world. Applications are found in manufacturing, transportation, energy, finance and many other industries where complex decisions must be made to either minimize costs or maximize efficiency.


Developed at Bell Laboratories, this mathematical language allows communication with many types of solvers. The application supports dozens of solvers, both free and commercial software, including CBC, CPLEX, CONOPT, Gurobi, SNOPT, KNITRO, among others. Just find the right solver for the job! It is important to mention that, if you choose or need to change the previously chosen solver, it is possible to run the same model with a different solver by changing only a single option.  


The tool supports the entire optimization modeling lifecycle: development, testing, deployment and maintenance. One of its advantages is that it is very intuitive and allows you to exchange data with external data sources such as spreadsheets, databases, XML and text files. Therefore, pre- and post-processing tasks can be performed in addition to the solving procedure.


AMPL allows you to solve optimization problems of any kind, combining discrete and continuous variables. It integrates a modeling language to describe optimization data, variables, objectives and constraints; a command language to call solver algorithms and analyze results; and a scripting language to collect and manipulate data and implement iterative optimization schemes.


AMPL models can be built by qualified professionals with experience in operations research and/or mathematical sciences. Therefore, there are different licenses for companies, research and teaching. To get an idea of the importance of this tool today, this algebraic language is used in more than 400 university departments and research laboratories around the world, in addition to being cited in more than 1800 articles in journals and research proceedings indexed by the Web of Science.


For all these benefits and reliability, Cassotis Consulting has been an official AMPL reseller in Brazil for over 5 years, being responsible for all domestic support.  For further information click here or contact us.